Friday, August 13, 2010

Uganda bombings - a look back

I'm sure most of you heard about the terrorist bombings in Kampala, Uganda about a month ago. I delayed in telling this story as I didn't want anyone to panic back home. Let's just say that we were closer to the bombings than most people knew about.

The night of the World Cup final was also the same day that visitors from Calvary Community Church arrived to stay at my house. The four girls were sound asleep when I arrived home from my friends house, but the two boys were up because they were more adjusted to the time difference being in the UK for 5 days before arriving in Uganda. They asked if there was some place we could go to watch the World Cup final. My friend was leaving the next day for the U.S. so there was a small get together at another friend's house. I told them we could first go there then find out if any of them were going to watch the match somewhere.

We arrived at my friend's house and talked for a while. I found out my one friend was going to someone's house to watch the match. I just didn't think it would be right to show up uninvited with two extra people so I decided that was not a good option for us. As I asked my friends where we could watch the match almost all of them suggested Ethiopian Village. I had never been to the place, but one of my friends had just watched the semi-final match there a few days earlier and told me of the big screen and crowd that was there. Something in my spirit just told me, "No, don't go there."

So as we left I pondered where we could go to watch the match. I decided to follow my gut and not go to Ethiopian Village. Instead as we passed the road to my house, I saw in the corner of my eye the match projected on a wall. We stopped and decided to watch the match from there. About halfway through the match, we decided that we had seen enough and the boys were getting tired. We went home and went to sleep.

At a little after midnight, my phone began ringing. My friend had called to see if I was alright. I was a little out of it seeing as I was asleep a few minutes ago. He kept asking if I was alright and if I had gone to the Ethiopian Village. He knew that was one place we were considering. I assured him that I was alright. I didn't understand much of what he said, but I heard "bomb" in there somewhere. So the next morning when I woke I looked at the news to find out that Ethiopian Village had been bombed and there were a number of casualties.

As I looked back, I just saw the Spirit of God leading me and protecting me from that tragic event. I can't imagine what I would have said to the parents of those boys had anything happened to them. We are blessed to have been spared from all of that. So when you hear that still small voice leading and guiding might want to heed what the Spirit is telling you.

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