Saturday, July 28, 2007

Journal for Tuesday 7/24

Today (Tuesday), I woke up when Ismail was knocking on my door at 5:30 am. I promised him that I would walk to the high school with him as I was going to spend at least part of the day there. He wanted to make sure that I was awake and getting ready. I quickly showered and went on my journey with him to the high school from the primary school. It was about a 30-40 minute walk in semi-darkness.

Since we arrived earlier than most of the students as well as the teachers, I sat and talked with them. I spend most of my time with the Senior 1 class (equivalent to our 8th grade). We talked about the U.S. and how things are different there than in Uganda. However, I needed to make it clear that things were not necessarily better there. The one thing I have noticed about Uganda is that they have a rich love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I sat in on their Math, Chemistry and government class. I got a little bored during the government class because most of the class was the students taking extensive notes on the qualities of a good leader. During and in between the classes the students helped me learn Luganda. So now I can say a few phrases in Luganda. I’ve got a long way to go and often feel left of the conversation.

School in Uganda is much longer than that in the U.S. The students are required to be at school no later than 7:00 am. If they show up late for school, then they are required to do some chores. Their classes can be 40 minutes or two 40 minute blocks equaling 1 hour 20 minutes. They start school at 8:00 am and go until their break at 10:40 am. They start again at 11:00 am until 1:00 pm when they have lunch. At 2:00 they start again until 4:40. Then they have to clean the school before they can leave at 5:00 pm. It’s crazy. I don’t know how they do it. I was dead tired at 12:30 pm.

Today was Ismail’s birthday so after school we stopped to get ice cream to celebrate his birthday. It was a fun time. When we arrived back at school the girls told me of a tradition they have of dousing anyone who has a birthday with water…kind of like we do with Gatorade when a team wins a championship. It was hilarious to see the students chase after Ismail with cups and bowls full of water.

Most nights, the students who live at the school gather for what they call prayers, but it’s more like praise and worship then prayers. Remember that we’re talking about young students. Ismail is 16 now, but most of the students are somewhere between 8 and 13 years old. They cry out to the Lord like it’s nobody’s business. I am planning to video tape these worship times because there is really no way to describe them to anyone who is not a part of them.

Well, it’s time to rest as I am going to make an attempt to sleep in tomorrow until maybe 7:00 am. I hope all is well with you.

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